We will introduce you to the various technologies that our products make possible.
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- Multi-stage electrolytic sterilizer
- This electrolytic sterilization system can be compactly installed by simply incorporating it into existing or newly constructed facilities, and is highly effective in sterilizing both animal and plant species.


- Melplate UBM pretreatment process
- Melplate UBM process is a treatment process to form UBM on Al electrodes by electroless plating, which can be applied regardless of the Al electrode material and forms a base for the formation of a uniform and highly adhesive plating film.

- Electroless UBM formation process
- Nickel, gold and palladium plating solutions for UBM formation. It can be used in combination with the Melplate UBM pretreatment process. Depending on the application and specifications, you can choose between Ni/Au or Ni/Pd/A

- Electrolytic tin plating solution for micro chip components
- As power devices operate at higher temperatures, electroless Ni plating used for UBM is also required to have high heat resistance. We introduce electroless Ni plating baths for UBM formation that meet these requirements.


- Seed Layer Etchant for MSAP
- Surface smoothness of circuits is important for high-speed electric transmission without transmission loss. MELTEX's SE-400 Seed Layer Etchant for MSAP achieves a much smoother etched surface than conventional etchants.

- Additives of copper sulfate plating bath for via filling
- A copper sulfate plating additive that achieves flat filling performance under plating conditions with various liquid flow and excellent uniformity of plating thickness within units with different pattern density or whole panels

Electronic Components

- Neutral electroplating on chip components
- Chip component elements may be made of materials that are susceptible to erosion. MELTEX neutral electroplating processes can nickel and soot plate all types of chip-type electronic components without erosion.

- Electrolytic tin plating solution for chip components
- We offer a wide variety of electrolytic tin plating solutions for all types of chip components. Our extensive experience in this field allows us to offer the right plating solution for the material, type, equipment, and specifications of the component.

- Electrolytic tin plating solution for micro chip components
- Sn plating can be applied to thinner and more compact chip components. Reduces sticking of chip components to each other, significantly reducing the product defect rate.


- Stripping agent Melstrip series
- Meltex's metal film strippers have long been used by our customers. It can remove the target metal without eroding the substrate. We can provide a large number of strippers for various combinations of the metal to be stripped and the substrate.


- Multi-stage electrolytic sterilizer
- This electrolytic sterilization system can be compactly installed by simply incorporating it into existing or newly constructed facilities, and is highly effective in sterilizing both animal and plant species.