Responsible Mineral Sourcing

Meltex Inc. recognizes its corporate social responsibility and is committed to the following policy regarding responsible mineral procurement. We would like to ask our business partners to agree with this policy and cooperate with us so that materials and parts used in our products will not apply to the problem in Conflict-affected and High-risk Areas(CAHRAs).

1.Target Areas and Minerals

High-risk minerals produced from Conflict-affected and High-risk Areas(CAHRAs) (identifying tantalum, tin, gold-tungsten and cobalt)

2.Target Risks

Transactions that contribute to conflicts, human rights abuses, or environmental destruction, such as when the trade of target minerals serves as a source of funding for armed forces, are subject to risk.

3.Risk Aversion

We will investigate and confirm the use of minerals derived from these social issues in our procurement activities based on the latest information. And we will take implement initiatives to aid by carrying out procurement responsibly.