BCP(Business Continuity Plan)

Meltex has developed a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) to keep our business operative even under emergency situations such as great earthquakes, pandemic of infectious diseases and so on, with ensuring the safety of employees and their families.

Basic policy

We shall commit to business continuity in line with the basic policy: Protecting human life, maintaining supply responsibility, and achieving earlier restoration/reconstruction.

1. Priority of employee actions in emergency situations

1.1 Securement and confirmation of the safety of employees and their families
1.2 Securement of the safety of inhabitants and residents in the surrounding areas
1.3 Confirmation of damage to property on facilities, equipment, IT infrastructure
1.4 Confirmation of damage to the surrounding areas and impact on the surrounding environment
1.5 Initial response for minimizing damages and prevention of secondary disasters
1.6 Maintaining supply of products and services
1.7 Contribution to prompt restoration of the business and the surroundings

2. Launch of the Crisis Prevention and Response Task Force

In the event of the followings, the Crisis Prevention and Response Task Force will be launched and the members assigned in advance are automatically convened.

・In case of an event that has a significant impact on the business continuity of our offices (e.g., earthquake of magnitude 5 or greater, typhoon, system failure, etc.).
・In case that the president or his/her representative deems it necessary to respond to an emergency

In case that such a event occurs out of business hours, emergency members assigned in advance will gather to the office site.


3. Tasks of the Crisis Prevention and Response Task Force

In line with the basic policy, the Crisis Prevention and Response Task Force will develop, manage, and execute specific actions relating to the following:

3.1 Gathering and analyzing information on events
3.2 Examination, determination, and implementation of countermeasures
3.3 Explanation and notification internally or externally as needed
3.4 Examination, determination, and implementation of recurrence prevention measures
3.5 Others relating to the business continuity

4. Measures for maintaining the supply systems

The Crisis Prevention and Response Task Force will identify items to be addressed on operations and services related to the following five items for maintaining the supply system, and will concentrate the necessary resources to secure alternative means and to restore operations promptly.

a. Procurement, ordering, warehousing and storage of raw materials
b. Order acceptance
c. Production and inspection
d. Inventory management
e. Shipping and distribution

5. Preparation for smooth implementation of BCP

For developing the BCP effectively, necessary resources for the business continuity are assorted into four categories and managed in ordinary times.

・Human resources・・・Appropriate allocation and retention of human resources
・Information・・・・・・Sharing/dispatch of information
・Capital・・・・・・・・Securing reserve fund/application of various financial programs
・Others・・・・・・・・Securing invenory of raw materials

6. Education and training

Education program is designed and implemented for employees in order to make them understand the concept and importance of the BCP. Furthermore, periodic drills are implemented to make BCP be firmly ingrained into the whole company and to improve its effectiveness.

7. Review of BCP

BCP is periodically reviewed in order to maintain its effectiveness. BCP is also reviewed and revised as needed, for example, in case of reorganization or any other reasons.


We shall commit to act properly in line with rules and procedures regarding to The Business Continuity Plan and risk management.